
Wednesday: Half sleeved white shirt, white short pant (for Std. I to IV), white full pant (for Std. V onwards) white Action shoes, white socks, blue tie & belt.
Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri : Half sleeved sky blue shirt, dark blue short pant
(for Std. I to IV), dark blue full pant (for Std.V onwards), dark blue Action shoes, blue socks, tie and belt.
Saturday : House colour T-shirts, white short pant (for Std. I to lV) white full pant (for Std. V onwards) white canvas shoes & socks.

Wednesday : Half sleeved white shirt, white skirt, tie, belt, white Action shoes, white socks, white ribbons or hairbands. White cycling shorts (upto knees)
Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri. : Half sleeved sky blue shirt, dark blue pinafore, blue tie, belt, black Action shoes, blue socks, blue ribbons or hairbands & blue cycling shorts (upto knees)
Saturday : House colour T-shirts, white skirt, white Action shoes, white socks, white ribbons or hairbands & white cycling shorts (up to knees)

Sweaters : Blue Blazers (common for boys and girls)

For students of Std. I to IV blue or white full pants for boys and blue or white full slacks for girls are optional during winter season (Nov. to Jan.)

For Boys:
Dark grey trousers & blazers with full sleeved sky blue shirt and maroon tie.

For Girls:
Dark grey trousers & blazers with 3/4th sleeved sky blue shirt and maroon tie.